Inspirational Messages
Let Dr. Barnsley Brown provide an inspirational speech, keynote, or seminar for your church, conference, or faith-based organization!
The following programs are available as Sunday talks, conference keynotes, inspirational speeches, group seminars, and break-out sessions. If you have a particular request not found here, contact us to discuss how we can inspire the spiritual growth and personal development of your members.
Watch Dr. Barnsley In Action
Sunday Talks, Inspirational Speeches, and Keynotes
Welcoming in the Wealth of Spirit
Do you know the real meaning of the word “wealth”? Find out out how to manifest prosperity in every area of your life. This exhilarating talk focuses on key spiritual prosperity principles and power practices illuminated in Dr. Barnsley’s recently released book and audio package, Get Out of Debt and Get On With Your Life: Every Woman’s Guide to Create Prosperity with What You Have Right Now! You will leave this presentation with a clear idea of your God-given mission plus a litmus test to help you align your life with your spiritual mission.
Your Biggest Block to Abundance is THIS!
Curious to find out what the biggest block to your abundance is? Come discover the spiritual underpinnings of scarcity and how to banish it right now, this very Sunday. Be ready to experience the power of Release as we collectively fling open the doors to opulence in our lives and community!
Coming Out of the Dark: The Wilderness Experience and Your Divine Purpose
In the darkest of times, one of the greatest keys to surviving and thriving is your Divine purpose. Come find out how to nourish another level of your mission and emerge strong and purposeful, no matter what!
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
We’d often like to have a mountaintop experience in our lives yet we remain mired in mundane “reality.” Identify the five mountains standing in the way of your spiritual growth and blossoming in this inspirational program. Learn how to elevate your consciousness, move these mountains, and claim your God-given right to a purposeful, happy life. Finally, find out why “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” is a love song just for YOU!
Service with a Smile: Doing God’s Work in the World!
What does it mean to “hold a service”? How can we serve others joyfully and effectively? Why is service always reciprocal and why do studies show that volunteers live longer? In this presentation, we’ll explore these questions and reveal why serving is the key to a profound spiritual practice in which we leave our soul’s imprint on the planet. When we “go public for God” and demonstrate spiritual principles and laws through intentional service, we grow and prosper AND we facilitate growth and prosperity for others. Now that’s something to smile about!
Turning Your Passions into a Livelihood: Finding and Fulfilling Your Divine Mission
What are the fingerprints of your soul and how can you express them in this world? This presentation will help you wake up to the dream living inside you and give you practical steps and strategies to pursue it with joy and enthusiasm. It’s time to stop snoozing and get moving with the Divine Mission that is yours and yours alone!
Walking in the Light
Discover how to walk in the light every moment of every day. Using Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord: And he will give you the desires of your heart, ” Dr Barnsley guides you in finding your delight and creating your very own “Bliss List.” Get back in touch with the natural delight that is your divine birthright and learn to ignite your passionate mission as you heed Divine Spirit.
Freeing the Father Within
Our definitions of God have often been enmeshed in limiting constructions of masculinity and fatherhood. Dr. Barnsley shows you how and why we need to revisit the Divine Masculine, reframing our experience of it so that we embrace what Thomas Moore calls a “fathering principle” in The Care of The Soul. When we celebrate the Divine Masculine within ourselves, we awaken a deeper relationship with our Christ Consciousness and compassion for the “masculine” influences in our lives.
Mother, May I?
Just as we need to revisit the Divine Masculine, so we need to acknowledge and explore the Divine Feminine in its many forms. Using the framework of the children’s game, “Mother, May I,” Dr. Barnsley illustrates how and why we can break through limiting constructions of masculinity and femininity to embrace the Divine Mother. This “Universal Mother” is what Myrtle Fillmore called the “mother of Unity,” and is represented and embodied by each of us. It is time to make the Divine Mother proud, and this presentation shows you how.
Sweet Surrender in the Summertime
Discover how to maximize your Twelve God-given Powers, represented by the Twelve Apostles. Explore how you can misuse these powers and stay mired in negativity or you can leverage them to create the spiritual growth and personal development you want. Let Dr. Barnsley help you leave behind your mental, spiritual, and emotional baggage and become 100 % God in Action right now. You will never think of your life or the notion of surrendering to God in the same way again after this inspirational speech.
What Would Jesus Do?
This lively and thoughtful talk uses the idea of “unlikely friends”—people who seem to be different from us who become our most treasured companions—to address how and why we need to make friends with the Divine expressing through us. Dr. Barnsley offers four powerful keys to unlock your friendship with God as well as three action steps you can take to nurture that primary relationship with your Higher Self. Only by making friends with Divine Spirit can we become the full realization of our God and Christ potential.
Spiritual Growth and Personal Development Seminars and Break-Out Sessions
Turning Your Passions into a Livelihood: Finding and Fulfilling Your Divine Mission
Do you dream of making a living doing what you love? Has the Universe been nudging you to wake up to your dream? Each of us has a divinely inspired mission that is ours alone. Come explore/identify your unique mission and learn practical strategies to make a living doing it. You’ll learn proven secrets for success, low-cost or free resources to support you along the way, the qualities of successful “soulpreneurs,” and the steps to take to make your dream come alive!
Turning Your Passions into a Livelihood: Finding and Fulfilling Your Divine Mission!
Tired of the nine to five work world? Laid off? Looking for opportunities to manifest your Divine purpose? Create them for yourself with the help of this exciting workshop that will help you figure out how to turn your Divine calling into an abundant part-time or full-time business. Learn strategies for success, low-cost or free resources available to assist you along the way, the qualities of successful entrepreneurs, and more for your Divine (ad)venture! How much longer will YOU wait to act on the dream God has given YOU?
Service with a Smile: Doing God’s Work in the World!
What does it mean to “hold a service”? How can we serve others joyfully and effectively? Why is service always reciprocal and why do studies show that volunteers live longer? In this presentation, we’ll explore these questions and reveal why serving is the key to a profound spiritual practice in which we leave our soul’s imprint on the planet. When we “go public for God” and demonstrate spiritual principles and laws through intentional service, we grow and prosper AND we facilitate growth and prosperity for others. Now that’s something to smile about!
Turning Your Passions into a Livelihood: Finding and Fulfilling Your Divine Mission
What are the fingerprints of your soul and how can you express them in this world? This presentation will help you wake up to the dream living inside you and give you practical steps and strategies to pursue it with joy and enthusiasm. It’s time to stop snoozing and get moving with the Divine Mission that is yours and yours alone!
Introduction to Reiki Energy Healing for Vibrant Health of Body, Mind, and Spirit
One of the best ways we can learn to love ourselves and connect to Divine Spirit is through the Usui Method of Natural Healing, Reiki. In this fun, hands-on class, you’ll experience Reiki first-hand and learn quick five-minute exercises that can help you dramatically reduce your stress. You’ll learn why Reiki is recognized by the World Health Organization and why it is the self-healing method of choice by people all over the world. You’ll discover how it can transform your life, spiritual growth, and relationships in this fun, interactive session.
Power Up Your Prosperity: How to Live the Abundant Life NOW!
Discover how spiritual principles can bring you the abundant life and spiritual growth you desire! Stop feeling like you don’t have enough–enough time, enough money, enough fun, enough support, enough love, enough energy, etc. Instead, invest a little time in this seminar and find out how to create the opulence and abundance you seek with what you have right now! The pot of gold isn’t at the end of the rainbow. This workshop will show you how to find your Divine birthright of abundance right where you’re standing now!
Get Energized Now! Rejuvenate Yourself and Your Life With Ease!
Do you sometimes feel like you’re in survival mode, just trying to get by and do the best you can? Do you yearn to love yourself, your Higher Power, and your life more deeply? Do you want to master innovative uses of affirmations and visualizations that can help you re-create yourself and catalyze your personal development so you enjoy maximum fulfillment? This fun, interactive session is for you! Come prepared to take away custom-made affirmations and visualizations you can use to create success and happiness every day of your life! Come ready to blast away any lingering resistance you may have to being God in action in our world!