Serving Others to Bring Happiness, Spiritual Health, and Wealth
What are you up to this summer? Are you lazing around indoors trying to avoid the heat? If you are, I’d like to give you one of my patented GBKs (gentle butt kick) and tell you to get out there and do something with your time, lest you get as stagnant as the summer heat.
Do something this summer! Volunteer. You don’t have to be outside at all; you can volunteer indoors. Serving others can bring happiness not only to those you serve, but to yourself as well. Just because the air is stagnant doesn’t mean you have to be.
Now, I’m staying home this summer, but in the past, you know that I’ve traveled quite a bit. I want to share a story with y’all, a story I shared during a Sunday talk for the Unity Church of Raleigh. Just click on the play button below, grab some lemonade, and sit a spell. Pay attention so you will know who the heck “Mama Ida” is and why I still have something of hers in the top drawer of my dresser.
You don’t have to travel halfway around the world to work on your spiritual health. Just remember, every time you serve others, you’re giving back on a spiritual level. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; the word “wealth” comes from the word “weal,” which means well-being. How are you contributing to the wealth of your own community?
I want you to focus on your own spiritual health as well. Love yourself… just not in a narcissistic way. If you don’t love yourself, how can anyone else love you? If you’re not happy with yourself, you can’t give a part of yourself for the betterment of your community and the world. Feel like you’re not a people person? Go volunteer at an animal shelter. Animals are people too!
I want you to bring happiness to others (and yourself) by serving others in some capacity, even if it’s playing with the animals at the shelter or finding food banks to donate to. Your spirits will be lifted by helping out your sisters and brothers on the planet.
Whatever you do, I want you to do it with love, happiness, and a great big smile!