Giving Thanks: Gratitude And Appreciation For Your Life

Have you given thanks today? I’m not saying in a big way, just thanking your Divine Spirit for another day. Ditch all that mundane worrying that bogs you down and show appreciation for the things and people you love and have.  Gratitude is the best attitude to have, so live in the moment and love your life!

One of my favorite inspirational singers is Karen Drucker whose beautiful music celebrates all the blessings you and I have.  In honor of this season and the resurrection experience we can ALL experience this spring, I hope you’ll enjoy this lovely simple music and message in her song:

What needs to be resurrected in your life?  Does a relationship need mending?  Does an old friendship need to be renewed?  Does your attitude need a tune-up or a major overhaul?  Does your gratitude for your life need to be lifted out of some pain or suffering you’ve been focusing on?

Whatever IN you or AROUND you that needs UPLIFT and NEW LIFE, I affirm that it happens for you this spring.

And may you know that you are truly SIA (Spirit In Action)!  Whatever your belief system, whatever your color or creed, whatever your life experience, you are in the hands of a loving Spirit.  More than that, you ARE the hands of that Higher Power who takes physical form in you and expresses through you.

Give yourself and those you love some CPR this season… Creative Positive Revival!

Onwards, and UPWARDS!

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