Spirited Solutions for Your Challenges!

This article appeared in the December 2005/January 2006 issue of Innerchange magazine.

What are you most passionate about in life? Besides the aroma of fresh coffee brewing, what makes you bound out of bed in the morning?

I’ve asked myself these questions repeatedly, particularly in the early 1990s when I was struggling to put myself through graduate school. Between a full load of classes and the three jobs I was working to pay my way, it was an immensely stressful time.

That was until I found Reiki, a profound method of natural stress and pain relief that relaxes and revitalizes those who practice it. I was exposed to Reiki after a harrowing car accident in 1992, and it immediately began to improve my life!

After training for two years, I started teaching Reiki in 1994. When Karen founded Innerchange in 1996, I was delighted to have a venue to let people know about my classes and the free, open healing group that I host—still to this day—on a regular basis. Innerchange provides a vital resource for those of us who want to learn and grow, and it has been my pleasure to write articles for and appear in Innerchange these last ten years!

Since 1996, my business has changed immeasurably. I had to let go of much of my Reiki teaching during 1996-1999 when I was teaching at Wake Forest University and UNC. Then in September of 2000, I felt the call to make healing work the center of my life. I started Spirited Solutions™, a business dedicated to helping people like you achieve optimal success and well-being in their lives!

To expand and enhance the services Spirited Solutions™ offers, I trained in Thought Field Therapy™, kinesiology, dowsing, Healing Touch, and other healing methods, and was ordained as an Interfaith Minister. I buttressed these trainings with numerous business courses in the area, and these have proven essential to the success of Spirited Solutions™.

Now, not only do I provide Reiki individual sessions, group classes, and intuitive counseling, but I also offer business seminars and coaching based on my real experiences as a teacher, trainer, professional speaker, and entrepreneur. These dynamic programs have been very popular in business development centers and organizations across the state and focus on networking, customer service, avoiding business burnout, creative marketing, leadership, and other fascinating topics.

One of the most exciting recent developments in the business has been that I started doing motivational speaking for conferences, churches, associations, non-profits, and businesses! It has been a pleasure to earn membership in the National Speakers Association and to educate, inspire, and motivate so many more folks than I can work with in my private practice.

It’s been wonderful to realize that my work with groups informs my work with individuals and vice versa. Working one-on-one with clients is exciting and rewarding, and makes me cognizant of the issues that I need to address with groups.

Do I love what I do? Absolutely! Nowadays, most people are looking for meaningful work, healthy relationships, and expression of their authentic selves! My gift lies in helping folks figure out what their passions are, how to pursue them, and how to balance their lives to have time, energy, and resources for what matters most to them.

Who are my clients? People who feel stuck and want to get their lives moving in a positive direction! People who want to be excited about their lives and feel energized on a totally new level! Courageous individuals who know that now is the time to make their dreams become reality!

Since you’re reading Innerchange, obviously you are already on a quest for personal and professional growth. Yet I wonder, are you making the most of your precious life? Are you genuinely happy and fulfilled on the deepest levels? Do you desire to know why you’re here and ACHIEVE what you’re meant to accomplish?

What groups are you a member of—church groups, civic groups, volunteer organizations, non-profits, and business associations—and how would they benefit from a powerful motivational presentation? To find out which of our seventeen seminars and keynotes would most inspire and benefit your group, visit our professional services page at www.spiritedsolutions.com/services_professional.html.

You’re also invited to subscribe to Spirited Solutions™’ free email newsletter and check out our exciting offerings at www.spirited-solutions.com. And if you’re seriously looking for a counselor or coach, I’ll be pleased to offer you a free 30-minute getting-to-know-you session.

Don’t you and the groups you’re part of need Spirited Solutions™ for your challenges? You’ve seen us for ten years in Innerchange—Why not see us in person and let us help you create a life and work you love!

You are invited to contact Barnsley Brown, PhD, at barnsley@spirited-solutions.combarnsley@spirited-solutions.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or 919-967-1164 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting  919-967-1164  end_of_the_skype_highlighting, and subscribe to Spirited Solutions’ inspiring, free e-newsletter at www.spirited-solutions.com.

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