Here’s to a Prosperous New Year

This article appeared in the Winter/Spring 2002 issue of Spirited Solutions’ Newsletter.


Many of us have experienced much pain and grief since our last newsletter that went out just before September 11th. I hope that the forgiveness process therein was helpful to you in dealing with the events of that day. When I sent out the mailing, little did I know how important forgiveness would be for us, not just as individuals but also as a nation. Spirit is always guiding us to what we need, and I pray that each of you is making peace, in your own way, with the hatred and violence we have experienced recently and probably also felt ourselves.

Of course, so many people in the world are exposed to incredible hatred and violence on a daily basis, so one of the gifts of 9-11 has been to open our eyes to the privileges and liberties we enjoy here in the United States. Yet another essential gift of this tragedy has been to put us in touch with what matters most in our lives—our relationships with ourselves, with our Higher Power, with our loved ones, and with those to whom we are responsible through the careers/callings we have chosen.

Nothing happens by chance, and we are each still here on this planet for a reason. This New Year, it is my prayer that we will each CULTIVATE and APPRECIATE our prosperity, the bounty that the Divine has given us to SHARE with others! Far too frequently, we equate prosperity with our bank balances, our cars, our homes, and our IRAs, but what if we each looked at our SPIRITUAL ASSETS?

As White Eagle says, “Your true self is a shining spirit.” You can choose to be a blessing to everyone around you at any and every moment. Let me suggest the following ways you can “capitalize” on your spiritual assets:

  • Leave love messages! Make special calls to your family and close friends (or old friends you haven’t talked to in a while) and tell them how much you love them. Tuck love notes into the pockets, purses, or lunches of your family and friends.
  • Make eye contact wherever you go. Ask people how they are doing and genuinely listen and respond to what they say. (You’ll be surprised how many people will sense that you care and avoid the mundane “I’m fine” answer.)
  • Observe the world around you and compliment strangers (and those you know) on what you find unique and striking about them. Acknowledge their beauty and realize it reflects your own!
  • Practice “radical gratitude”. Give thanks for whatever happens in your life and open to receiving the gifts and lessons that Spirit is teaching you.
  • Make a practice of tithing to the sources of your spiritual support –a ministry, a massage therapist, a counselor, a writer, a teacher, or anyone else who nourishes your shining spirit. Trust the Divine to supply all your needs and know that everything you give to others returns to you multiplied!
  • Rip up all your New Year’s resolutions and instead resolve to practice loving-kindness to yourself and everyone around you!

At Spirited Solutions™, we are committed to helping you experience and magnify the prosperity that is your divine birthright. Let us help you create a bountiful life, both personally and professionally!

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