Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 2

Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 2

Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 2

In our last post, you found out that the Reiki Method of Natural Stress and Pain Relief is being used in hospitals across the U.S. and in other countries.  Now it’s time to cover a few potent  reasons why you should take a good look at Reiki as a complement to the traditional Western medicine you’re probably already utilizing.

1) Reiki is not invasive and it has no detrimental side effects.So if you’re looking for something to relieve pain and mitigate some of the troublesome side effects of some medical treatments (think chemo and its effect on your appetite and energy level, for example), Reiki is an attractive option.

2) Reiki is cheaper than traditional medicine in many cases. It may not be covered by your insurance but it sure beats surgery in terms of cost. And if you can find a program that offers Reiki treatments at a discount (I used to participate in one of these) or Reiki treatments by trained volunteers, you can save substantially. I’ve also had a number of Reiki clients who were able to gradually cut down or go off of their prescriptions, with the supervision of their physician of course, and thus save mega bucks on prescriptions.

3) Reiki is not allied with any particular religion or creed so medical professionals can easily incorporate it into a secular context without being accused of trying to convert or “save” people. And if you’ve ever been sick, you know that the last thing you want to have shoved down your throat is someone else’s religious beliefs…particularly if you are bed-ridden and can’t get away from your pushy proselytizer. (I speak from experience here, you can probably tell.)

4) It is easy to add Reiki to your traditional medical care–before or after surgery, during labor and childbirth, or as a complement to physical therapy or psychological therapy, for instance–which is why Reiki is often referred to as “complementary” medicine. It’s like adding supple gel insoles to your everyday running shoes–Reiki can help you get to your destination of excellent health more comfortably and quickly, with a spring in your step.

Want to read the research on Reiki? Articles abound in many publications, including the British Medical Journal and Holistic Nursing Practice. Just Google “recent articles on Reiki” and you can read to your heart’s content.

Try not to get too bogged down in the research, however. The best thing you can ever do for your health and stress management is simply to try Reiki. What do you have to lose–except those aches and pains and all the stress (and medical bills) piling up around you? If Reiki healing is good enough for hospitals, don’t you think it could have something to offer you too?


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    Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 2

    Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 1

    Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 1

    Sometimes people see alternative medicine as just that, an “alternative” to Western medicine that is practiced in back rooms smelling of burnt incense and beeswax.   But did you know that the Reiki Natural Healing and Stress Relief Method is being used in a number of hospitals world-wide? In fact, if you check out the Center for Reiki Research (, you can find a list of seventy hospitals that incorporate Reiki into their offerings.

    You should know that we’re not talking about Lizard Lick Hospital out in the boonies of Bumpkin, USA–We are talking about Reiki at esteemed teaching hospitals such as University College London Hospital, The Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital, and Duke Integrative Medicine of Duke University Hospital, all of which incorporate Reiki treatments by volunteers and/or medical practitioners into their offerings.

    How Reiki is perceived these days can be compared to massage twenty or thirty years ago.  At that time, many people incorrectly associated massage therapy with men’s clubs and “massage services” offered in “private rooms,” whereas massage therapy has now become mainstream and a respected method of health improvement.  Many physical therapists, chiropractors, and doctors have massage therapists on staff and massage therapy is a core part of the offerings at health spas and gyms.

    In the same way, Reiki has been viewed by the uninformed as a strange type of hocus pocus or “occult” practice.  Now, however, these misconceptions are being replaced as many people experience the health benefits of Reiki firsthand.  Most people have at least heard of Reiki and the fact that so many hospitals offer it reveals that it is now becoming mainstream.

    So why this substantial interest in Reiki? Read my other blog posts on “Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method” and then tune in for my next post on Reiki Healing in Hospitals.  The next time you or your loved ones are faced with a medical challenge, you’ll be glad you paid attention.


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      Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 1

      Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 1

      Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 1

      Why is Reiki the healing method of choice for people around the world?  Why is it recognized by the World Health Organization? Here are just a few reasons why!

      • Reiki is easy to use and you always have your tools with you! Unless you have no hands or arms.  In that case, I beg your pardon.
      • You can use it on yourself! I mean really, have you ever tried to reach around your backside to try self-acupuncture?  Yikes!
      • You can start practicing it after just one weekend taking a Level I course! That’s more than any doctor can say.  And if they do say that, back away very slowly.
      • It’s cheap to learn. Especially when you consider the fact that you’ll be using it for, say, the next 40-ish years of your life… unless you’re already nearing three figures of age (and in that case, you’ll probably need it for arthritis, sweetie…)
      • You can use Reiki in ways you never imagined! You can use it on plants and animals, food and water, medicines, jewelry, car batteries (don’t take my word for it, just try it), ornery computers (it kept my old Mac dinosaur cranking throughout my way too long PhD odyssey), business marketing materials, and even difficult people.  (How lovely to be able to zap those energy vampires with a bit of positive Reiki and watch ’em squirm!)

      Stay tuned for more intriguing examples of why Reiki is recognized as a worldwide healing method.


      Get your free copy of How to Overcome Overwhelm in 7 Easy Steps and your free enewsletter with VIP discounts here!


        Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 2

        Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 2

        Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 2

        So you’re back for more on Reiki?  I’m happy to see you here!  How about a few more reasons why the WHO (World Health Organization, not  “THE Who,” though they rock too) recognize Reiki as a global health method.

        • Reiki demands no particular belief system. Yep, you read that right!  It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, Hindu, or atheist.  You can practice Reiki and you can benefit from it too.
        • Reiki combines well with Western medicine. For example, if you’re having chemotherapy, you can also have Reiki done to increase your appetite, help you sleep, and boost your energy level.
        • You don’t have to be present to practice. You can send distant Reiki treatments after a Reiki Level II class, which is especially great if your family (like mine) is halfway across the world or you have a penchant for ice fishing in Alaska!
        • Reiki is pleasurable! Hey, it’s fun!  Some of my classes have gotten so giddy, I’m sure the neighbors thought we were smoking something Pauly the Pusher grew in his backyard.
        • Reiki works on both small and big issues. Ingrown toenail?  Yep.  Surgical scar?  Sure.  Broken bone?  Uh huh…. just not instantly.  Psychological stress?  Yep, no need to speed to the nearby looney bin–Try Reiki first!

        Join me for our next installment, where you’ll find out which is better: Reiki or Viagra?


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          Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 2

          Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 3

          Why Reiki Healing is a Global Health Method Part 3

          Ha!  You took the bait in my last post, huh?  I’ll just pretend like you didn’t come back just to figure out if you need a prescription for a little blue pill.  You’re forgiven.  On to more reasons why healing hands reach out across the globe and Reiki rocks!

          • Reiki gives you a closer connection to those whom you treat.  You’ll find yourself becoming closer to your family, friends, pets, and clients. Not inappropriately just on a different level of spiritual love for humanity and each individual expression of that love.
          • Reiki detoxifies your body and soul in a gentle yet continuous way. You’ll find yourself feeling better, lighter, and with more pep in your step as you let go of toxins in your body and toxic thoughts in your mind.
          • Your creativity will soar with Reiki. You’ll have ideas, brainstorms, or visions with Reiki.  No, not of psychedelic lava lamps or Elvis reappearing, but powerful visions of your purpose in life and how to accomplish it.
          • Reiki is not a energetic Band-Aid you slap on your symptoms though it can help relieve them.  It’s a preventive health method.  Reiki strengthens your immune system and constitution. It treats the symptoms but also the underlying causes of dis-ease.
          • Reiki is the all-natural Viagra! Yesiree,  you got that right!  Reiki is the aphrodisiac you want without the side effects!  Reiki yourself, and ALL your organs and there’s a good chance you’ll wake up happy!

          There you have it, folks.  Reiki, that holistic healing method recognized by the World Health Organization, has tons of different uses.  So rub those hands together and sign up for a class or individual treatment today!


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            Reiki Healing in Hospitals: Reiki and Medicine Part 2

            Stress Relief Through Reiki Healing

            Stress Relief Through Reiki Healing

            Are you tired of feeling stressed out and exhausted?  Is your neck stiff?  Is your back hurting?  Do your feet ache so bad your toenails hurt?

            If so, it’s time to revolutionize your life with Reiki, a powerful method of natural stress and pain relief that I’ve practiced daily for nearly 20 years!  Not only is it recognized by the World Health Organization, it’s also easy (and great fun!) to learn.

            This  is a fantastic time to learn Reiki.  Not only is it the summer solstice, but we have three eclipses in the middle of the year, June 1st, June 15th, and July 1st.  According to the experts, this combination allows you to let go of everything that needs to move out of your life (self-limiting thoughts, poverty consciousness, destructive habits, negative people, etc.) and feel ALIGNED and ALIVE!  Talk about rising with the sun and all its fabulous possibilities!

            As I mentioned, I’ve practiced Reiki daily on myself for 19 years.  There’s a reason for that: This stuff is incredible and will help you get un-stuck and move forward to manifest your dreams with courage and energy!

            How do you get un-stuck? One particular client, we’ll call her “Stuck Samantha” comes to mind.  Through Reiki classes and my Free Your Spirit coaching sessions, Stuck Samantha left an abusive marriage of over 25 years, dumped her slug of a spouse, left a highly successful career in IT that wasn’t soul-satisfying, entered massage school, and is now happily running her own business and life.

            Oh, and did I mention, she lost over 280 pounds in the process?  (180 of it was her ex–tee hee!)  But weight loss of over 100 pounds is pretty awesome, wouldn’t you say!  “Stuck Samantha” is now “Soaring Samantha” and she is letting the winds of change carry her to a new level of joy, self-realization, and fulfillment!

            Like Samantha, you can dump the stressors that  keep you glued to one situation in your life and let good change (which is also stressful, but in a positive way) come to you by tapping into the freeing flow of Reiki.

            Check out the short Reiki video that tells how I got into Reiki as the result of a car accident at , and enjoy!


            P.S. More to come on Reiki so stay tuned!

            Get your free copy of How to Overcome Overwhelm in 7 Easy Steps and your free enewsletter with VIP discounts here!
