Reduce Stress: Five Boundaries You Must Set To De-Stress Part 5
Do you feel like you need to section off an area with velvet ribbon (or heck, barb wire) in order to get the things done that you need to get done? Then you need to set boundaries.
Dealing With Difficult People: Slay Energy Vampires This Halloween!
Still trying to figure out what you’re going to be for Halloween? How about Buffy, everyone’s favorite vampire slayer? I’m sure you have some knee-high boots and a skirt left over from the nineties, right?
Reduce Stress: Five Boundaries You Must Set To De-Stress Part 4
How are the holidays treating you? Are you feeling Grinchy? Do you want to hire a hitman for the crazy-making people around you? Guess what? This blog post will help you NOT off your crazy-making cubicle mate, boss, spouse, or in-laws.
Reduce Stress: Five Boundaries You Must Set To De-Stress Part 3
The holiday season is certainly here in all its glittering, twinkling, oh so shiny glory! Everything is full of holiday cheer, but are you feeling a bit like Scrooge in the midst of it all?
Stop Procrastination: Slay This Business Beast Now
It’s something we all do. Business owners and busy professionals, men and women, do it at work and at home. It’s the art of using tomorrow to put off today. It’s procrastination!
Reduce Stress: Five Boundaries You Must Set To De-Stress Part 2
Are you still feeling overloaded, overworked, overtired, overtaxed, and under-appreciated? Do you still feel like your plate is not only full but cracking under pressure? Are you even happy?
Reduce Stress: Five Boundaries You Must Set to De-Stress Part 1
Most people these days feel overloaded, overworked, overtired, over-everything! Not only are our plates full, but we’re about to drop everything on the floor.
Serving Others to Bring Happiness, Spiritual Health, and Wealth
What are you up to this summer? Are you lazing around indoors trying to avoid the heat? If you are, I’d like to give you one of my patented GBKs (gentle butt kick) and tell you to get out there and do something with your time, lest you get as stagnant as the summer heat.
Celebrate Father’s Day Whether Giving Thanks or Mourning a Loss
This is a little personal. Indulge me, would you? This morning I woke up with tears streaming down my cheeks. I went to the bathroom to grab my toothbrush and the tears were still flowing…
How to Be Human, Not Perfect, & Celebrate You!
I promise I haven’t forgotten about you–How could I forget about fabulous, fantastic, fortuitous YOU? Recently, I had some (completely fixable) health issues that forced me to slow down a bit.